Clients who've gained from my experience

  • Tesco Logo
  • provident Logo
  • exkwizit Logo
  • Etapix Logo
  • Usbemart Logo
  • SBL Logo
  • Databiosys
  • manuelfrank
  • Tesco

    For over 2 years I have been given the opportunity to work has a web developer at Tesco. This role involves writing unique hand-coded solutions for the Tesco branded sites, reviewing the accessibility of existing developments, and improving page load times for the highest hit pages.

    My role at involves me working on various redevelopment projects for the new Tesco Direct site, which involves the heavy use of technologies such as XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, object-oriented JavaScript and Jquery Library. Each project requires the knowledge and understanding of JSP server-side technology running on an ATG Framework.

    Producing unique pages has also been one of my major roles in the web department at Tesco’s, this has given me the responsibility for validating third party plug-in, working along site web designers to produce pixel perfect pages and also working closely with Business Analyst on multiple projects producing wireframes and prototype for show and tell to the business while maintaining existing areas to high standards and working to a tight deadline for new projects., Tesco Direct
    Tesco Snap shot


    Provident Care Services is a UK based care service provider, I developed clients current site using Joomla Content Management System, for which the client can easily maintain and improve their site quickly and effectively. As a web developer I was also able to advise and help client in search engine optimisation, logo design and server-side security improvement.

    Skill sets utilised:

    PHP5 & MySql. XHTML, CSS3, Jquery and Photoshop.
    Provident Snap Shot


    Exkwizit is an ecommerce fashion boutique site, there specialise in selling jewellery, bags and hats. I have been fortunate enough to work for Exkwizit as a front end web developer bringing the service to new platforms in several countries.

    Skill sets utilised:

    XHTML, CSS and JavaScript.
    Exkwizit Snap Shot


    Etapix is a global provider of next generation enterprise software solutions to financial institutions, Education, Recruitment, New Media and the Retail sector. They specialise in IT Solutions. Working in conjunction with the UX Lead over at Etapix, I was part of the team that developed the current site, by also working alongside with their on-shore Business Analyst.

    Skill sets utilised:

    Service-side development - JSP and MySQL .

    Front-end development - XHTML, CSS.
    Etapix Snap Shot


    Usbemart is a professional online retailer supplier company, they needed a brand new ecommerce website with full content management.

    Skill sets utilised:

    Joomla Content management system, Payment gateway (PayPal & Google Checkout), CMS rotating banners, User logging, Google Analytics and Search Engine Optimisation.

    PHP & MySQL, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML and CSS.
    Usbemart Snap Shot

    SBL - Stephenson Brothers Limited

    Stephenson Brothers Limited is an international company that wants to move there current business strategy to an ecommerce industry. Re-development project is currently still under construction has few requirements are yet to be finalised. Although a snap-shoot of the look and feel can be seen from the thumbnail visual attached.

    Skill sets utilised:

    PHP & MySQL, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML and CSS.
    SBL Snap Shot


    A software company which specialises in facilitating financial and insurance companies to generate mandatory regulatory reports; using guidelines as stated on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID I, II & III), BASEL I, II & III and Dodd Frank for reporting to regulatory bodies such as the FSA, BAFIN.

    Skill sets utilised:

    PHP, Twitter Bootstrap Framework, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML 5 and CSS 3.
    databiosys Snap Shot

    Manuel Frank Accounting

    Manuel Frank is an ACCA member firm whos services includes Bookkeeping, VAT returns, Bank Reconciliations, General Ledger, Trial Balance and Payroll Services.

    Skill sets utilised:

    PHP, Joomla, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML 5 and CSS 3.
    manuel frank Snap Shot